highrise.sdk is a powerful Node.js module that provides an easy way to interact with the Highrise API . It offers a more object-oriented approach compared to other Highrise SDK libraries, resulting in cleaner and more comprehensible code for your bot.
The main focuses of highrise.sdk are usability, consistency, and performance. It provides full coverage of the Highrise API and promptly incorporates new Highrise features as they become available.
highrise.sdk is a user-friendly package that offers a wide range of methods, including some that are not included in the API, such as a caching system, awaitMessages, and games.
By choosing highrise.sdk, you can enjoy the benefits of its simplicity, beginner-friendliness, auto-reconnect functionality, wide Node version support, and its range of flexible and feature-rich capabilities.
<aside> 💡 If you’re not familiar with JavaScript or programming in general and wishes to create your own Highrise Bot, I suggest that you first take a few weeks to study programming logics and how JavaScript works.