Changing Bot Outfit:

The method bot.outfit.change(outfit) is used to change the outfit of the bot. The outfit parameter is an array containing the clothing items to be worn by the bot. Each item in the array is represented by an object with specific properties such as type, amount, id, account_bound, and active_palette.

bot.on("chatCreate", async (user, message) => {
  if (message === "change outfit") {
    const outfit = [
        type: 'clothing',
        amount: 1,
        id: 'body-flesh', // Important
        account_bound: false,
        active_palette: 27

    bot.outfit.change(outfit).catch(e => console.error(e));

  if (message === "default outfit") {
    bot.outfit.change("default").catch(e => console.error(e));

You can customize the outfit array based on the clothing items you want the bot to wear. Ensure that the items belong to the bot's inventory. If you want to revert to the default outfit, you can pass "default" as a parameter to bot.outfit.change().

Please note that the bot cannot wear items that do not belong to it. You can learn more about the inventory management and fetching the player's outfit in the provided documentation.


Player Outfit

Buy Items

The Bot’s Gold

<aside> 💡 For further assistance or inquiries, you can visit Highrise's Discord server and seek help from the community.
